$5000 Giveaway SIL Compaign Coming!
Dear SILians,
We are pleased to announce that the SIL Finance Liquidity Mining Campaign on OKEXChain(OEC) will launch from OCT 21th 13:00PM UTC to OCT 26 13:00PM UTC
The campaign request users to stake at least $100 value tokens in SIL’s JF-USDT, CHE-USDT, BTCK/USDT, ETHK/USDT or OKT/USDT pools for 3days. Users only need to stake single token such as one of JF, CHE ,BTCK, ETHK, OKT and USDT.
The rewards are only for the first 1000 users. Each effective users win extra $5 worth of Tokens.
Enjoy your profit and bonus !
The SIL bootstrap team