OEC Integration Complete & Launch Time
Dear SILians,
We are pleased to announce that the SIL product suite has finished integration with Okex Chain(OEC), and finished compat tests with CherrySwap and JSwap(community opinion source from SLP-2 — OEC Swap Support). The first enabled swap is CherrySwap.
Due to OEC’s current maturity and current bridge status, the SIL bootstrap team will not enable SIL token emission of all SIL pools at the early stage. May enable depends on market needs and bridging solutions.
The team has brainstormed some new ideas about new ways of profit distribution, and may apply new strategies to the OEC version.
The NFT part is not enabled since SIL mining is not enabled.
ETA of launch is Thu Aug 19, 12:00 PM UTC 2021.
The SIL bootstrap team