Recent Updates following BSC launch
Dear SIL users,
The Sister in Law project has been successfully bootstrapped on BSC. It has over 10 Million TVL at the time of posting.
Now SIL has following features on BSC:
- Hedge Farming
- LP Yield Farming
- xSIL Bar: Single Token Yield Farming
- SAFN: Sister-in-Law Augmented Function NFT
SAFN — Sister-in-Law Augmented Function NFT:
- Episode 1 — Mystery Box is live
- Early-Bird Airdrop ongoing
- Augmented Function has not been enabled yet
Now SIL has following remaining features on Ethereum:
- Hedge Pool (no SIL rewards)
- LP Yield Pool (no SIL rewards)
- ETH -> BSC Bridging
General features roadmap:
- Documentation site: : ONLINE but keep adding
- Governance Forum: PENDING
- Voting System: PENDING
- SIPs(Sister-in-Law Improvement Proposals) will be carried out
SIPs could be:
- Params adjustments
- Hedge/Yield Pool listing votes
- SAFN roadmap
- Inspiring feature proposals
After careful inspections of transaction patterns on BSC, and feedback from the community, the bootstrap team has decided on its sole option before governance is online that the 0.5% withdrawal fee will be fully removed in a week; if the community doesn’t like it, it should not exist.
The SIL.FINANCE Bootstrap Team