SIL Reboot Sequence, Phase 4
Dear SIL users,
Previous update:SIL Reboot Sequence, Phase 3
TL;DR version:
- All funds are sent
- SIL yield mining stopped
- Withdraw your SIL tokens
The team has sent all users’ funds in sequential order in the Balance Sheet already, including all users’ assets that are in the pending queues, and the master SIL contract’s mining function is stopped at height <12108580>.
About the Funds Returning Sequence:
- Collect users’ remaining funds from SIL pending queues
Done. - Calculate each user’s asset based on the after image of de-LPs
Done. - Prepare a returning program
This post marks the end of Funds Returning Sequence.
Let’s take another review of SIL Migration Sequence:
- Stop SIL master mining contract
- Migrate SIL token from v1 to v2 <- HERE
- Convert all current users’ holding of SIL from v1 to v2
In step [1. Stop SIL master mining contract]:
- Deploy IMintRegulator mock contract, getScale() will return (_molecular = 0, _denominator = 1), [address: 0x4e8d173ce711fb72643217dd09219fb517d691db]
Done. - Initiate multi-sig transaction, queue action(call SilMaster.setMintRegulator(mockReguler), set MintRegulator to the contract on previous step)
[already initiated by dev team, txid: 0x9536c273d53d2625484c931c9bbf78978391d3c4a2f430b5c231cad255cec17b]
Done. - Wait 24 hours for public audit
Done - Initiate another multi-sig transaction, to confirm the 2th step
Done - Call SilMaster.updateSilPerBlock() in order to execute massUpdatePools() to release minted SIL tokens, also will set silPerBlock=0 in order to stop SIL minting.
Note: silPerBlockNew = baseSilPerBlock.mul(_molecular).div(_denominator)
Done [0x5bd6a64164610f5e6f1f16672625a744349eb0e1dde663d8086472a1ceedcb2d]
All right, thank you all dear SIL users for the love of SIL, the team has concluded the Funds Returning Sequence as of now. Currently we are on SIL Migration Sequence step 2, let’s all migrate to SIL v2 :)
This phase would take a while, stay tuned until then~